Les prévisions de neige pour Val Thorens sont : Légère couche de neige fraîche, tombant surtout le mar. soir. Températures en dessous de zéro (max -1°C le lun. soir, min -13°C le mar. après-midi). Vents s'atténuant (vents frais venant du NNO le dim. soir, calme le mar. matin).
Val Thorens Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Val Thorens is: Légère couche de neige fraîche, tombant surtout le mar. soir. Températures en dessous de zéro (max -1°C le lun. soir, min -13°C le mar. après-midi). Vents s'atténuant (vents frais venant du NNO le dim. soir, calme le mar. matin).
Val Thorens Weather (Days 4-6): Une mince couche de neige fraîche. Températures en dessous de zéro (max 0°C le jeu. soir, min -10°C le mer. matin). Le vent sera généralement faible.
Val Thorens météo en direct
Complexe touristique
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Vent (km/h)
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Réalisé par Snow-Forecast.com
Val Thorens météo
(3 prochains jours) :
Les prévisions de neige pour Val Thorens sont : Légère couche de neige fraîche, tombant surtout le mar. soir. Températures en dessous de zéro (max -1°C le lun. soir, min -13°C le mar. après-midi). Vents s'atténuant (vents frais venant du NNO le dim. soir, calme le mar. matin).
Météo Val Thorens (jours 4-6) :
Une mince couche de neige fraîche. Températures en dessous de zéro (max 0°C le jeu. soir, min -10°C le mer. matin). Le vent sera généralement faible.
Légère couche de neige fraîche, tombant surtout le mar. soir. Températures en dessous de zéro (max -1°C le lun. soir, min -13°C le mar. après-midi). Vents s'atténuant (vents frais venant du NNO le dim. soir, calme le mar. matin).
Résumé météo des prochains 4-6 jours :
Une mince couche de neige fraîche. Températures en dessous de zéro (max 0°C le jeu. soir, min -10°C le mer. matin). Le vent sera généralement faible.
Le tableau ci-dessus montre les prévisions météo pour Val Thorens à l'altitude spécifique de 3230 m. Notre modèle de prévisions météo sophistiqué nous permet de donner des prévisions de neige en bas, au milieu et en haut de la station Val Thorens. Pour accéder aux prévisions météo à d'autres altitudes, utiliser l'onglet de navigation au-dessus du tableau. Pour une vue d'ensemble du temps, référez-vous à , la Carte Météo de France.
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Commentaires de Visiteurs de Val Thorens
Globalement 4.3 Basé sur 68 votes et 44 commentaires
Val Tho is probably one of the best resorts in the world, and definitely in the top 5 in Europe, if not the best. It is very high at town centre, which keeps it snowsure for the season, even when it is, let's face it, very warm for the time of year. It's another year where the resort prep of pistes is very high standard, as you would expect. Not just in VT but also the rest of the area. Snow quality is still pretty good even though it hasn't snowed in a while now and has been warmer than you may expect through late Jan.
The VT Park has had some investment over the last while and they've been putting in land shaping to help if they don't have a lot of snowfall. This season though they've got a lot to be fair. And they've done a great job with it. Shaping is their usual very high standards, and they've got a good balance with options to help people get into it, so smaller, medium, large and booter. There are some cool smaller features around that people are enjoying, like a mushroom type thing at the bottom of the park, which is very popular, and a medium sized hip. It's good to see tha park as popular as it is at the moment in Val Thorens. It should be showing the operator it is an investment worth every penny they put into it. It always provides a memorable spectacle for people even just to watch, and remember long after their trip.
You would have to say, all in all, Val Tho is rightly a top pick. And the way things are going with global temperatures rising, you would say this top pick will remain so owing to its high altitude across the entire area on the VT pass.
Val Tho is probably one of the best resorts in the world, and definitely in the top 5 in Europe, if not the best. It is very high at town centre, which keeps it snowsure for the season, even when it is, let's face it, very warm for the time of year. It's another year where the resort prep of pistes is very high standard, as you would expect. Not just in VT but also the rest of the area. Snow quality is still pretty good even though it hasn't snowed in a while now and has been warmer than you may expect through late Jan.
The VT Park has had some investment over the last while and they've been putting in land shaping to help if they don't have a lot of snowfall. This season though they've got a lot to be fair. And they've done a great job with it. Shaping is their usual very high standards, and they've got a good balance with options to help people get into it, so smaller, medium, large and booter. There are some cool smaller features around that people are enjoying, like a mushroom type thing at the bottom of the park, which is very popular, and a medium sized hip. It's good to see tha park as popular as it is at the moment in Val Thorens. It should be showing the operator it is an investment worth every penny they put into it. It always provides a memorable spectacle for people even just to watch, and remember long after their trip.
You would have to say, all in all, Val Tho is rightly a top pick. And the way things are going with global temperatures rising, you would say this top pick will remain so owing to its high altitude across the entire area on the VT pass.
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