Ski en Czech Republic

Czech Republic: résumé des dernières conditions de neige

Summary of forecast snowfall and ski conditions for resorts in Czech Republic. Fresh snow is forecast at 0 resorts. Powder is reported at 0 resorts and 0 are reporting good piste conditions.




Ski resorts in Czech Republic from K to Q

Station de Ski
Profondeur de neige
en haut et en bas

En piste


Dernière neige

Prochains 9 jours
0–3 | 3–6 | 6–9
neige (in)
Prévision météo des 5 prochains jours
Niveau de gel (ft)
Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

(2297ft — 3084ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Karlov - Malá Morávka - Kopřivná webcam
0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
rain showers clear clear cloud light snow
Milieu de station 2690 ft
4757ft 4429ft 6890ft 7054ft 3609ft

(1641ft — 2297ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Karolinka webcam
0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
rain showers clear part cloud cloud light rain
Milieu de station 1969 ft
6070ft 4757ft 7710ft 7218ft 3937ft

(2375ft — 2605ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear light rain part cloud
Milieu de station 2490 ft
4429ft 3445ft 6070ft 5414ft 3773ft

(2822ft — 4082ft)

snow report aujourd'hui

Klínovec webcam
Artificial snow cover 0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud part cloud
Milieu de station 3452 ft
3937ft 4265ft 7546ft 5250ft 3117ft

(1969ft — 2461ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud part cloud
Milieu de station 2215 ft
4101ft 4429ft 7710ft 5578ft 3281ft

(1805ft — 2330ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud cloud
Milieu de station 2067 ft
4265ft 4101ft 7218ft 6234ft 3445ft

(2346ft — 2996ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Kohútka webcam
0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
part cloud clear part cloud cloud light rain
Milieu de station 2671 ft
6070ft 4757ft 7710ft 7218ft 4101ft

(2149ft — 2707ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud part cloud
Milieu de station 2428 ft
4101ft 4101ft 7546ft 6398ft 3281ft

(1903ft — 3593ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Kouty nad Desnou webcam
0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
part cloud clear clear cloud light snow
Milieu de station 2749 ft
4593ft 4265ft 7054ft 7054ft 3609ft

(2231ft — 3281ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
cloud clear clear cloud light snow
Milieu de station 2756 ft
4593ft 4101ft 7054ft 6890ft 3609ft

(1070ft — 2651ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud clear
Milieu de station 1860 ft
4101ft 4265ft 7710ft 5906ft 3445ft

(2133ft — 2789ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
cloud clear clear cloud light rain
Milieu de station 2461 ft
4593ft 4101ft 7054ft 6890ft 3609ft

(3412ft — 3609ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Kvilda webcam
0.8 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear light rain part cloud
Milieu de station 3511 ft
4429ft 3609ft 6070ft 5414ft 3609ft

(2323ft — 2953ft)

snow report il y a 2 jours

Lipno - Kramolín webcam
0.4 in
il y a 11 jours
light rain part cloud part cloud light rain cloud
Milieu de station 2638 ft
4922ft 4265ft 5906ft 5250ft 3773ft

(1837ft — 2165ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear light rain part cloud
Milieu de station 2001 ft
4101ft 3937ft 7710ft 6070ft 3445ft

(2789ft — 4101ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear cloud cloud
Milieu de station 3445 ft
3937ft 4101ft 7218ft 6234ft 3281ft

(2146ft — 2487ft)

snow report il y a 12 jours

0.4 in
il y a 13 jours
light rain clear clear cloud clear
Milieu de station 2316 ft
4265ft 4101ft 7054ft 5250ft 3445ft

(2083ft — 2841ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear cloud light rain
Milieu de station 2461 ft
4429ft 3937ft 6890ft 6890ft 3609ft

(1805ft — 2198ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Mladé Buky webcam
0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud cloud
Milieu de station 2001 ft
4265ft 4265ft 7218ft 6398ft 3445ft

(1680ft — 2375ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Monínec webcam
0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear cloud cloud
Milieu de station 2028 ft
4429ft 3773ft 6562ft 6234ft 3609ft

(1805ft — 2297ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain part cloud part cloud cloud mod rain
Milieu de station 2051 ft
5578ft 4593ft 7218ft 7218ft 3937ft

(3281ft — 3740ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Nové Hutě webcam
0.8 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear light rain part cloud
Milieu de station 3511 ft
4593ft 3609ft 6070ft 5414ft 3609ft

(2034ft — 2431ft)

0.4 in
il y a 41 jours
part cloud clear clear cloud light rain
Milieu de station 2231 ft
4429ft 4429ft 7218ft 6726ft 3773ft

(1706ft — 2133ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Obří sud - Javorník webcam
0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud part cloud
Milieu de station 1919 ft
4101ft 3937ft 7710ft 6398ft 3281ft

(1805ft — 2165ft)

Olešnice webcam
0.4 in
il y a 41 jours
part cloud clear clear cloud light rain
Milieu de station 1985 ft
4757ft 4429ft 7218ft 6890ft 3773ft

(2297ft — 2740ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear cloud light rain
Milieu de station 2520 ft
4593ft 4101ft 6890ft 6890ft 3609ft

(2034ft — 2822ft)

snow report il y a 2 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud cloud
Milieu de station 2428 ft
4101ft 4101ft 7546ft 6398ft 3281ft

(1903ft — 3986ft)

snow report il y a 2 jours

Pec pod Sněžkou webcam
Spring snow 1.2 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud cloud
Milieu de station 2946 ft
3937ft 4101ft 7218ft 6234ft 3281ft

(2395ft — 3117ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear cloud light snow
Milieu de station 2756 ft
4593ft 3937ft 6890ft 6890ft 3609ft

(2366ft — 3373ft)

snow report il y a 2 jours

Plešivec – Abertamy webcam
0.4 in
il y a 41 jours
cloud clear cloud light rain cloud
Milieu de station 2868 ft
6070ft 6726ft 7382ft 6726ft 5086ft

(1641ft — 2198ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud cloud
Milieu de station 1919 ft
4101ft 4101ft 7382ft 6234ft 3281ft

(2336ft — 2664ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud part cloud
Milieu de station 2500 ft
3937ft 4265ft 7546ft 5086ft 2953ft

(4052ft — 4741ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Praděd - Ovčárna webcam
1.2 in
il y a 9 jours
rain showers clear clear cloud light snow
Milieu de station 4397 ft
4593ft 4265ft 7054ft 7054ft 3609ft

(656ft — 1066ft)

Praha - Petřín webcam
1.2 in
il y a 41 jours
light rain clear clear cloud part cloud
Milieu de station 860 ft
4265ft 3773ft 7054ft 6070ft 3773ft

(2297ft — 3084ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
part cloud clear clear cloud light snow
Milieu de station 2690 ft
4593ft 4265ft 6890ft 7054ft 3609ft

(2231ft — 2592ft)

snow report il y a 2 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud part cloud
Milieu de station 2412 ft
4101ft 4101ft 7546ft 6398ft 3281ft

(1903ft — 2146ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.4 in
il y a 9 jours
light rain clear clear cloud light rain
Milieu de station 2024 ft
4593ft 3937ft 6890ft 6726ft 3609ft

(1739ft — 2165ft)

snow report il y a 26 jours

0.4 in
il y a 26 jours
light rain clear clear light rain clear
Milieu de station 1952 ft
4265ft 3937ft 6726ft 5250ft 3609ft

(1476ft — 1673ft)

0.8 in
il y a 41 jours
cloud clear clear cloud light rain
Milieu de station 1575 ft
4757ft 4429ft 7218ft 7054ft 3609ft

(1969ft — 2297ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

0.8 in
il y a 10 jours
light rain clear clear cloud cloud
Milieu de station 2133 ft
4101ft 4265ft 7218ft 6398ft 3445ft

(2034ft — 3603ft)

snow report il y a 9 jours

Pustevny webcam
1.2 in
il y a 9 jours
rain showers part cloud part cloud cloud mod rain
Milieu de station 2818 ft
5906ft 4429ft 7710ft 7054ft 3773ft